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Pad Yatra


Ram Chander Yogacharya has decided to do to ‘Pad Yatra’ of about 1600 KM from Kurukshetra (Haryana) to Bhawanipatna (Odisha) to support the cause of Social Welfare, Environmental Awareness, urgent requirement of cow shelter (GauShala) and for the upliftment ofunderprivileged and deprived class, you are welcome to visit and you can support this pious cause in the support page of the website.


लक्ष्य –सत सुवृति सेवा

राम चंदर योगाचार्य ने समाज कल्याण, पर्यावरण जागरूकता, तत्काल गौ-शाला निर्माण और निर्धन व वंचित वर्ग के उत्थान के लिए कुरुश्रेत्र (हरियाणा) से भवानीपटना (ओडिशा) तक लगभग 1600 किलोमीटर की 'पद यात्रा'करने का प्रण लिया है, आपका पर स्वागत है,इस महान व शुभ कार्य में अपने सहयोग के लिए वैबसाइट के Support पृष्ठ पर आप इसका समर्थन कर सकते हैं।


कुरुश्रेत्र (हरियाणा) से भवानीपटना (ओड़ीसा) – 7 राज्य
– 1600 कि.मी. पद यात्रा 

Kurukshetra(Haryana) to Bhawanipatna (Odisha)7 States – 1600 KM ‘Pad Katra’

The Philosophy and Introduction of
SSST (Sat Suvriti Seva Trust) (Regd.)

• Helping Poor and Underprivileged People of our country.
• Supporting needy children, orphans, widows, differently challenged and destitute.
• Helping Old age people living in Old age homes and ensuring that they get a meaningful life.
• Educating children, opening or supporting such schools / institutes giving support to poor students.
• Opening or supporting Orphans and helping them in their education, the prime aim will be to ensure that every orphan gets a home with Parents.
• Opening and supporting ‘Gau Shalas’ (Cow Shelters), so that mothers can be given support of milk for nutrition and health and poor people can get some opportunity to earn their bread and butter. 

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